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Resources Archives - ClassInSession


Understanding Learning Disabilities: Unlocking Potential

What is Learning Disability? Learning disabilities are a diverse group of neurological conditions that affect how individuals receive, process, and express information. These disabilities can impact various aspects of learning, such as reading, writing, math, and even social skills. It’s crucial to demystify learning disabilities and promote understanding to create a supportive environment for those […]

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International Virtual Tutoring for Homeschool Support

International homeschool is a great learning journey! Canadian online tutoring gives your child the opportunity to tap into Toronto tutoring services – from anywhere in the world. Virtual tutoring allows students to develop skills and explore new topics. Then they access tutors eager to partner with parents to help students learn and grow.  Class-in-Session provides

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The Benefits of Virtual Tutoring

Technology now supports virtual tutoring anywhere in the world! Your child can receive virtual tutoring services in Toronto, or Canadian online tutoring while you are abroad. Class-In-Session can help.  Safety During Social Distancing Your child learns from your home.  So, no breaking isolation protocols. The tutor and your child work together, without risk.  Virtual Tutoring

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Tips to Prepare A Sensitive Child for Family Holiday Celebrations

Holidays are for friends, family, and food. Celebrations. Decorations. Travel and shopping. Mostly they are a departure from routine. Which, for most of us, is welcomed. Yet, for a sensitive child this can lead to confusion, meltdowns, and disruptions of family traditions. Sensitive children need specific preparation for the hustle and bustle of the holiday

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Power Phrases to Help Children Develop Greater Self-Esteem

Words matter. What parents say to their children makes a long-term difference in their self-esteem. In fact, what parents, teachers and tutors say to children can encourage or hinder learning. In the depths of winter, power phrases make even more difference. Frustrations with homework burdens increase mid-semester. The words of every parent have incredible potential

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How to Reduce Homework Meltdowns

Homework burdens usually increase mid-semester. There is some professional debate about how much homework is healthiest for kids. But the debate about doing it once it comes home is the most tiresome. Some kids seem to put more energy into fighting about doing their homework than it would take to just do it. But what’s

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ADD/ADHD Why Tutoring Support is Beneficial

Children with ADD/ADHD require learning programs specifically designed for them. That’s why schools implement Individualized Educational Plans. There are some aspects of an educational plan for children with ADD/ADHD that are common among all students. 3 Elements of Successful Educational Plans for Students With ADD/ADHD Successful plans for students with ADD/ADHD integrate these 3 elements:

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Student Success – The Keys to Executive Function

Executive function challenges show up as problems with planning, organizing, flexible thinking, working memory and self-regulating/self-control. These are a key set of mental skills for learning. Children who struggle with executive functioning are not dealing with a learning disability in itself. Instead, these weaknesses are mental skills that can be improved. The challenges with executive

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Toronto tutor

Master the art of studying with these new resources from Class in Session

New Class in Session Learning Resources for Parents and Students Class in Session is excited to announce the new learning resources available on our website! We received many requests for easily downloadable PDF tools to help parents and students. As a result, we developed these workbooks and guides for parents and students. There are now

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