ADD/ADHD Why Tutoring Support is Beneficial

Children with ADD/ADHD require learning programs specifically designed for them. That’s why schools implement Individualized Educational Plans. There are some aspects of an educational plan for children with ADD/ADHD that are common among all students.

3 Elements of Successful Educational Plans for Students With ADD/ADHD

Successful plans for students with ADD/ADHD integrate these 3 elements:

  • Academic Instruction – tailored to their precise learning level
  • Behavioural Intervention – as required only if it interferes with learning (self or others)
  • Classroom Accommodation – 1:1 tutoring being the ultimate

Students with ADD/ADHD find that 1:1 tutoring works to focus their attention so they learn more effectively. ADD/ADHD tutoring is divided into 10 to 15-minute learning blocks. That way, the student can focus on specific academic skills, individually. Tutoring conducted 1:1 is then designed around the student’s interests and skill levels to assure they stay engaged in their learning.

ADD/ADHD 1:1 tutors offer redirects but are able to manage behaviours that have no impact on the child’s learning. Since there is no classroom full of other students, behaviours that might be otherwise disruptive are minimized. This simple, natural outworking of tutoring 1:1 allows students with ADD/ADHD to accelerate their learning journey.

For more information about tutoring or assessments, please email [email protected] or through our contact form on the website.

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