Private Tutors in Toronto at Class in Session

In Toronto, there are over 350,000 students, many needing extra support. Recent struggles with switching back and forth from remote learning have created or widened the learning gap. Private tutors in Toronto help fill that gap. Many families choose online tutoring. Some prefer in-home services. And many like the convenience of a classroom location.

Class in Session is thrilled to be a support as private tutors in Toronto for students and their families.

How to Help Your Child Do Better in School – Private Tutors in Toronto

We understand how important it is to you to help your kids do well in school. Sometimes kids need more focused and customized supports than are available in the classroom. That’s where we excel. Here’s how it works:

  • Your child receives a private assessment to determine where they need support and their learning style
  • Then, your child is matched with the tutor best suited to help them
  • The tutor develops a tailored plan to best address those needs
  • You discuss that plan with the tutor and decide how to proceed
  • Your child and their tutor work together
  • As you child makes progress, the tutor reassesses and adjusts the program as required

Class in Session tutors work with your child to develop a positive relationship that makes learning easier. Your child receives positive feedback, with a focus on developing confidence and constructive attitudes towards learning.

Your child’s learning style is individual, but not entirely unique. So, our tutors are trained to customize supports to the needs of each child. One-on-one, or small group tutoring sessions help children make progress developing reading, writing, comprehension, and math skills more quickly. Then, they are less likely to fall behind their peers.

Private tutors in Toronto at Class in Session can help your child succeed this school year. Contact us today for more information.

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