What Method of Tutoring in Toronto is Used for Dyslexia?

What Method of Tutoring in Toronto is Used for Dyslexia?

Having a child with dyslexia or who struggles with learning to read can put the whole family in a tough situation. When there are more students in a classroom, many students may receive less attention. Struggling to read can have a negative impact on all areas of your child’s academic life. To overcome dyslexia, you can receive support from a Toronto Tutor who uses Orton Gillingham’s approach to support your child overcome dyslexia. This blog will outline the methods used by tutors to support dyslexic students.

How to Overcome Dyslexia with Orton Gillingham Toronto Tutoring?

Dyslexia is a learning disability characterized by difficulties with writing, reading, and spelling. According to research, students with dyslexia read and write using different parts of the brain when compared to students without dyslexia. The following are a few ways used by Orton Gillingham Tutors to support students with dyslexia:

  • Multisensory

Tutors are responsible for utilizing various learning techniques, including auditory, visual, tactile, and kinesthetic approaches.

  • Diagnostic and Prescriptive

The Toronto Tutor uses a diagnostic approach where they continuously observe the student’s verbal, non-verbal and written responses to comprehend their progress and challenges. Based on this information, they plan the next lesson, which is prescriptive, and designed to help the student overcome any difficulties they may have faced in the previous lesson while building on their progress.

  • Direct Instruction

During the lesson, the tutor explains to the students what they will be learning, why they are learning it and how they will be learning it. Therefore, receiving support from a skilled tutor proficient in various techniques during Tutoring in Toronto sessions is beneficial for dyslexic students.

  • Applied Linguistics

Tutors are responsible for teaching morphemic, syllabic, semantic, syntactic, and grammatical structure of writing. Orton-Gillingham’s approach involves the students in integrative practices that include spelling, reading, and writing together.

  • Systematic Phonics

The lesson content includes systematic phonics, which emphasizes the importance of the ‘alphabetic principle’ during the initial stages of reading development. This principle teaches students that words are made up of individual speech sounds, and the letters of written words graphically represent those speech sounds.

The Orton-Gillingham approach is associated with a one-on-one tutor-student instructional model. Reading, writing, and spelling difficulties have been the primary focus of this approach. It always focuses on the learning needs of each student. Toronto tutoring services are offered to support dyslexic students to overcome dyslexia.

Benefits of Dyslexia Tutoring in Toronto

If not guided properly, dyslexic students won’t be able to overcome dyslexia. It can lead to feelings of embarrassment and shame, and students might think they are unable to learn things quickly. As a result, dyslexic students can develop confidence and self-esteem issues that last throughout childhood. On the other hand, when dyslexic students receive Orton-Gillingham-based Toronto tutoring from the best tutors, they can effectively support students in overcoming dyslexia. Students will receive positive reinforcement when they receive support from an experienced tutor. It boosts the confidence of students to approach learning with optimism. Apart from positive psychological effects, dyslexia tutoring helps students improve their grades as well. Dyslexia tutoring helps in improving academic performance.

The blog outlines the best and most effective method used to support dyslexic students overcome dyslexia. If you notice your child struggling with reading, spelling, and writing, consider seeking support from tutors available at Class In Session, offering both online and private tutoring services.

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