The Benefits of Private Tutors – Especially for Parents in the GTA

The benefits of private tutors for students are well known. They learn faster. They retain more. Their reading and math scores go up faster than they would if the kids were just in school. This is true even for students with supports in place.

But what are the benefits of private tutors for the parents of those children? You might be surprised to discover that parents (and families) find many benefits, too.

Better Relationships

One of the most common comments parents make when their children start private tutoring in Toronto is their relationships. The benefits of private tutors for the children include higher achievement and greater confidence and self-esteem. As children feel better about their learning, they feel better about themselves. And when they feel better about themselves, they are, quite simply, easier to get along with.

Less Nagging

When children receive private tutoring in Toronto, their intrinsic motivation levels improve. With the one-to-one attention of a private tutor, children find it easier to imagine completing tasks. They often visualize everything from homework to cleaning their room more easily. So, parents (and teachers) don’t have to break down instructions into so many steps. This makes it more likely that kids use their internal motivation, and parents don’t need to remind them so often.

Positive Contributions

Children who feel confident in their academic achievements are more likely to contribute positively to the family. As private tutoring continues, students feel more comfortable contributing in the classroom and at the dining room table. Many parents find that kids enjoy their tutoring so much that they even initiate conversations about what they learned!


The benefits of private tutors go beyond helping the child. Every member of the family is positively impacted by the newfound self-confidence and self-esteem that tutoring brings to struggling students

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