Is Orton-Gillingham Evidence-Based Reading Instruction?

Is Orton-Gillingham Evidence-Based Reading Instruction?

In today’s blog post, we’ll explore whether Orton Gillingham is evidence-based reading instruction or not. When it comes to evidence-based reading instruction, the Toronto tutor prefers the Orton Gillingham Approach.

Understanding Evidence-Based Reading Instruction

Evidence-based reading instruction can be defined as a specific strategy, instructional method, or a specific approach that has had a high success rate. There is valid evidence to suggest that when this type of instruction is used with students, they can achieve a deep understanding of reading. Orton Gillingham’s approach comes under this category.

How is Orton Gillingham Evidence-Based Reading Instruction?

Orton Gillingham is a structured literacy approach used to teach dyslexic students who are struggling with reading, spelling and writing. In this section, we’ll explore components of evidence-based reading instruction to prove that Orton Gillingham is an evidence-based instruction.

  • Phonemic Awareness Instruction

Words that are comprised of individual sounds and can be blended for reading and separated for spelling are referred to as phonemic awareness instruction. Phonemic awareness instruction helps struggling readers improve their reading. It is an essential skill for all struggling readers. Orton Gillingham’s evidence-based reading instruction includes phonemic and phonological awareness.

  • Systematic Phonics Instruction

Systematic phonics is taught in a structured sequence, starting with the most common phonograms (sounds). Each phonogram is taught individually with repetition and sufficient time for learning and mastery, and previous lessons are regularly reviewed and integrated. Reading and spelling are taught together, beginning with the most basic phonics and progressing to the most advanced spelling rules and morphological concepts. Systematic phonics is essential for reading proficiency. Orton-Gillingham Tutor uses Orton Gillingham’s evidence-based reading instruction that includes systematic phonics instruction with a carefully planned and logical sequence.

  • Reading Fluency Instruction

Reading text with fluency and accuracy is called reading fluency instruction. The practice of improving fluency in children includes reading rate, reading accuracy, and reading expression. Accuracy is the top-most priority because if a child can’t read accurately, they can’t read fluently. Accuracy is developed with systematic phonics. Reading fluency instruction should involve supporting students in developing the ability to use natural speech patterns and appropriate intonation while reading aloud. Teaching students to read fluently enhances their comprehension. The Orton-Gillingham approach, which is an evidence-based reading instruction method, includes a focus on reading fluency. Students are trained to read words, sentences, and texts fluently.

  • Vocabulary Instruction

Understanding the meaning of each word in a text is known as vocabulary instruction. Reading comprehension is based on vocabulary development. Tutors who offer tutoring in Toronto develop students’s vocabulary knowledge using direct and indirect methods of teaching. Orton Gillingham’s evidence-based reading instruction also uses vocabulary instruction. Dyslexic students connect spelling instruction with affixes, vocabulary and root words.

  • Comprehension Instruction

Understanding connected text as the primary aim of reading is referred to as comprehension instruction. Reading comprehension is a complex cognitive process that depends on a clear understanding of the role that vocabulary development and instruction play in interpreting text. It involves an active, deliberate interaction between the reader and the text. Orton-Gillingham’s evidence-based reading instruction includes teaching comprehension, where students use strategies like visualization, predicting, identifying the main idea, summarizing, and inferencing to connect with the text.

Moreover, if you find your child is struggling with reading, writing and spelling, you can receive support from our Tutors at Class in Session. We follow Orton Gillingham’s approach to support dyslexic students in becoming masters in reading, writing, and spelling.

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