Your Child with Dyslexia: Questions to Ask Your Child’s Class in Session Instructor at Milestones

It is vital to ask your CIS  instructor about the progress your child with dyslexia is making at each milestone and term. The right questions, at the right time make it possible for you to work together to support your child through their learning journey.

Here is a list of questions to ask at each term.

First Milestone – When your Child with Dyslexia Begins at Class in Session

Take some time during the initial assessment interview to be sure your questions are answered. At Class in Session, we have worked with hundreds of children with dyslexia before, but your child is unique.
Be sure to ask:

  • How do you assess my child’s unique learning needs?
  • How can I support my child in this process?
  • What results can be expected?
  • How is progress measured?
  • What teaching approaches do you use?


Second Milestone – Your child’s first term assessment

Tests can be stressful. Talk about struggles your child has preparing for a tests. Consider procrastination, study notes, and test anxiety.

Be sure to ask:

  • What areas are still a challenge so far?
  • Which areas have they improved in so far?
  • Are they anxious while reviewing materials?
  • Do you suggest any changes to help my child with homework?

Third Milestone – End of Second term

There has now been enough time for both parents and instructors to notice trends in the child’s study habits.
Be sure to ask:

  • How is my child with dyslexia adjusting?
  • Has the progress in their program been what was expected?
  • What areas were most improved?
  • Which areas need more focus?
  • What more can I do to support my child this coming semester?


Fourth Milestone – End of School Year

Now is the time to analyze the progress over the longer term. Discuss summertime learning programs and a plan for the next school year.

Be sure to ask:

  • Where has my child with dyslexia improved most this past year?
  • What challenges lie ahead?
  • Which areas require specific attention and focus?
  • What summer programs ensures my child with dyslexia retains what they learned?

At Class in Session, we use proven strategies to help students with dyslexia gain greater success with reading and writing. We invite you into a dialogue so we can work together to support your child through their ClS learning journey.



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