3 Facts About Dyslexia that You Must Know

3 Facts About Dyslexia that You Must Know

Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty that mainly affects reading and writing skills.  Dyslexic people process information differently, making it difficult for dyslexic individuals to spell, write, and read. It can negatively affect learning and the development of literacy skills. Dyslexia may also impact other areas like organizational skills. It is important to note that thinking differently, even if you have dyslexia, has its positive side. Many dyslexic students have strengths in reasoning and excel in visual and creative fields.

3 Things You Didn’t Know About Dyslexia

There are various myths associated with dyslexia, and due to those misconceptions, many people don’t know interesting facts about dyslexia. In this blog, those facts will be discussed.

  • Dyslexia is not a disease

One of the most common misconceptions about dyslexia is that many people think that dyslexia is a disease. However, dyslexia is not caused by neurological damage. It is not a disease, and there are several ways to teach children with dyslexia by meeting their strengths and needs. Furthermore, you can’t deny the fact that dyslexic students are intelligent, creative, and curious. They are master in performing reasoning tasks. Moreover, if you find your child with dyslexia, then you can receive support from Toronto Tutors to help your child read, write, and spell.

  • Dyslexia can be managed

The sooner the parents notice their child with dyslexia, the better they can receive support from experienced tutors to teach their child to learn how to spell, read, and write. Once the child is diagnosed with dyslexia, parents and Orton Gillingham Tutors can work together to teach different ways to support dyslexic students. According to research, a multi-sensory approach to teaching reading skills can make a big difference for dyslexic students. The Orton Gillingham approach uses touch, sight, and motion to check the connection between the sounds and letters. As with any disability, it will take patience, dedication, and time to overcome dyslexia. However, with early detection and intervention, many students develop management techniques, allowing them to learn, grow, and lead successful lives.

  • Dyslexia is common

It is estimated that 10%-20% of the global population has dyslexia. Dyslexia can vary greatly in severity, causing mild frustration while reading or difficulty spotting spelling mistakes for some, while others may have a major difficulty with reading or conversation. Children with less severe symptoms may go undiagnosed for years. As our understanding of dyslexia has grown, accurate diagnoses have become more common. Interestingly, dyslexia is prevalent at similar rates across the world, regardless of factors such as culture, social class, and gender. However, dyslexia seems to have a genetic component, as it tends to run in families. You don’t need to worry if you have a child with dyslexia, as dyslexic students can attend Toronto Tutoring Sessions online or in person.

Orton Gillingham Approach for Dyslexic Students

If you have been looking for different ways to support your child with dyslexia, you may have heard about Orton Gillingham’s Approach. Orton Gillingham’s Approach is designed to match the needs and skills of those with dyslexia. This approach is different from other approaches. It is:

  • Multisensory: It engages all learning pathways of the brain, such as sound, touch, sight, and motion.
  • It meets the unique learning requirements of the individual student.
  • It helps children with dyslexia understand and apply the rules of language, such as how parts of language form a whole and how the whole can be divided into various parts.

Early and the best tutoring in Toronto by Class In Session Tutors is the most impactful way to support dyslexic students. If you know or notice that your child is struggling with dyslexia, you can reach us to receive support from our experienced and trained tutors.

Other Useful Links:

How Dyslexia Affects a Child’s Ability to Spell?

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